Cheat Sheets for Life Workshops


The Science of Goal Setting

Here’s how to set goals to give yourself the best possible chance of success! This workshop is based on key ideas from the Motivation chapter of my book, ‘Cheat Sheets for Life: Over 750 hacks for health, happiness and success’.


Pick a chapter, any chapter!

I wrote Cheat Sheets for Life with the aim of supporting you in living your best life. If you feel that you or your organisation would benefit from tailored online or in-person workshops on any of the book’s chapters, write to me at

I conduct workshops on:

  • Everyday happiness
  • Social relationships
  • Emotional resilience
  • Health
  • Food
  • Sleep
  • Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Money
  • Learning
  • Work
  • Motivation
  • Productivity
  • Leadership
  • Persuasion
  • Giving
  • Green living